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AVRA can help you get what you need.

The proper tools can only get you so far. The proper tools combined with the proper
strategy, however, can overcome most obstacles.

AVRA understands that e-learning is a component of a successful training strategy.
This may also include other traditional forms of training such as instructor led training.

AVRA aims to ensure you don't have to re-build the wheel.

When developing a strategy for this type of challenge, we analyse the clients specific
situation and develop a training strategy and implementation plan that will achieve your
desired goals.

This could include implementing a combination of customized 'off the self' products or
a completely unique custom training application. The key is to utilize a clients existing
training materials - especially when your company may have already spent
considerable time and effort producing these.

To analyse your specific needs, we like to understand:

Your people:

training needs, motivations and learning styles

Your organisation

business objectives, corporate / brand values, structure + any sector specific information

Your business culture

training background, preferences for training delivery, computer literacy and e-learning experience

Your project scope:

target reach, languages and unique country requirements

Your technical capabilities:

hardware, software, internet access and hosting ability