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TTLV Investments Pty Ltd trading as Advanced Visual Realities Australasia (AVRA) is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its clients, suppliers, business partners and visitors to this site. E-mails sent to us will be retained, and e-mail addresses and other details given to us by the sender will be kept. At any time a person who has emailed us can ask to have their details removed. AVRA protects corporate privacy through confidentiality provisions in its contracts with external organisations such as clients, partners and with staff and external suppliers.


AVRA collects only such information that is e-mailed to and from this web site, and does not track web site users. AVRA does not collect sensitive information about individuals such as information relating to health, race or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual preferences or practices, or criminal record.


In routine business transactions AVRA may from time to time provide personal information to its clients and partners. This disclosure is done strictly within the context of the normal conduct of business. No information will be revealed, rented, shared, licensed, given, or sold to a third party without the individual's consent.

Access to Personal Information

Any individual may request a copy of his or her personal information from AVRA.